Monday, January 21, 2013

زراعة الطماطم

قمت بأول تجربة لي في زراعة الطماطم من البذور قبل عام من الان ولم تكن تجربة ناجحة بكل المقاييس لانه لم تكن لي الخبرة الكافية في الزراعة, وهذا العام وبعد أن اكتسبت خبرة كافية من تجربتي الاولى قررت ان ازرع الطماطم من البذور وكانت النتيجة ممتازة. وهذه صور بعض الشتلات بعد اسبوع من زراعة البذور

الاخطاء التي تلافيتها اثناء الزراعة هذا العام:
1- الحصول على تربة صالحة للزراعة (طين) يمكن استخدام تربة المزارع لانها مسمدة
2- تعريض النباتات للضوء بشكل كافي(12 الى 16 ساعة في اليوم)
3- اختيار الموسم المناسب للزراعة( في المناطق الحارة يمكن البدء في شهر اكتوبر)
4- الري بشكل منتظم


Sunday, March 2, 2008

Yemen, today and tomorrow

Population in Yemen has been growing in a noticeable rate during the last fourteen years. Last statistics showed that the population of Yemen for the year 2007 reached 22,230,531 (according to the CIA Fact book). If we compare these numbers with the numbers in 1994, when the population was only 15,831,757, we will find a growth of 6,398,774 in fourteen years. In 2004 the population of Yemen was 19,685,161 compared to 2007 it recorded a growth of 2,545,370 in three years only. This means almost 848,456 more every year or in other words a rise of 3.461% every year. By looking at all these facts we can predict that the population of Yemen will exceed 30,000,000 in the next ten years. According to the CIA Fact book the unemployment rate was 35% in 2003, and the population below poverty line was 45.2%. With low income and expensive living I wonder what it is going to be like after ten years.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

One day computers will rule

It is very known that computers play a vital role in our lives today. Computers are everywhere these days. They are in companies, in homes, in restaurants, in shops, in libraries, in schools and universities. Wherever you go you find a computer. We can't do anything without a computer around helping us to get the job done faster.
If you need to write something you use your computer, if you want to calculate something you use your computer, if you want to listen to music you use your computer, even if you want to call someone outside the country you don't use your phone because computers have made it easier and cheaper to communicate through the internet.
In companies computers do most of the work. They check the attendance of the employees, they control the flow of data inside the company, they prepare reports and organize the important information, and they even control the fire alarm. Do you think it stops here? No, the more we use them, the more we need them. They keep spreading like a disease in the body. Once they control our work, they will start controlling our lives. When I watch movies like "Transformers" and "iRobot", I see nothing but unavoidable future. Yes, that is the truth. One day computers will rule, and until that day comes, keep your eyes open.

Important note: All the things mentioned above are just some thoughts from my journal. So please don't take it seriously.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

How to become the smartest person on earth in 5 simple Steps

We complain about our intelligence all the time. Why are there smart people and average people? Why can't I resolve logical problems when my friend does it easily? Why do I take longer time than my classmates in exams? Is there any possible procedure that can make me smarter or somehow raise my intelligence?
Well, YES there is. In fact I am giving you today a way that will make you not only smart, but the smartest, and in five steps only, can you believe this? So take a seat, take a deep breath and follow me.
Step 1
Stop trying to be smarter
God gave us the ability to develop and to learn from our mistakes. Do you think you are not smart? Well, here is a fact: humans are the smartest creatures on the planet. Maybe you think that, because you are not good in something, you aren't smart enough. That is not correct. Because people aren't perfect, they can't be good in everything. However, we all have different abilities and intelligences, so stop worrying about not being smart enough.

Step 2
Be your self
Sometimes you try so hard to change what you are, because you like to be different maybe smarter. But you forgot that you can give the best of you when you are on your nature. Instead of acting in a way that doesn't represent you, try to be your self.

Step 3
Explore your strength

While you are so busy in complaining about your weaknesses, you forget to look at your strength. Being smart doesn't mean to solve complex problems all day long, or to speak ten languages fluently. It means that you have to know your self better than anyone in the world in order to get something valuable out of it, something like creativity.

Step 4
Work hard

This is my favorite one. Working hard is like the foundation stone of every success in the world. Many psychologists suggest that you don't have to be a genius to succeed; it is enough to work hard and to have a vision. Isn't success all we want from being smart? Albert Einstein, the famous genius, said: "It’s not that I’m so smart; it’s just that I stay with problems longer" and we all remember Thomas Edison and his hard work in inventing the light bulb after hundreds of unsuccessful attempts.

Step 5
Stop worrying about what people say
People talk a lot, and guess what they don't say the smartest things all the time. If you are going to listen to whatever you hear, you won't probably go farther than your doorsill. However, you need to get some advice form time to time, and you have to know who you can trust and rely on.


Stick to these rules, and I guarantee that you will be the smartest person in the whole world.
Oh I forgot the last step. It is to come to my blog every day at least once and to make some nice comments. Only then you will be the smartest person.

Links related to the subject:
How to become a “genius” in 5 steps? BlogoSquare
How to Become a Genius Zero to Superhero Superblog

Monday, February 11, 2008

Intelligence, one word with different meanings

Multiple intelligences are an interesting concept. This is what makes people different in the way they understand and react to different situations. I know some people who are linguists and can use words amazingly. We say that these people have a way with words, and that their linguistic intelligence is the strongest.

For me I have been always good in mathematics, and I have had a real head for figures. That is why I preferred to study Information Technology and all related sciences, because it has everything to do with solving complex problems and equations. I have strength in my interpersonal intelligence too, because I prefer to work with people all the time and I don't like to spend a lot of time alone. In fact I am able to give much more when there are people around me, and this is another reason why I chose IT because in this field you have to work with a team in order to accomplish certain project in time. My visual intelligence is very good too. I like drawing and I understand pictures better than words. I give myself six out of ten in visual intelligence.

I like the idea that we understand life differently and that we have different kinds of intelligence, but it doesn't mean if I am good in mathematics I can't develop my skills with words. I believe that with practice and determination we can have equal amount of each kind of intelligence.

To read more about this subject try these links:

Monday, November 12, 2007

Thank god for this life

Everyone has something to do now. We work hard to achieve something. The study at AMIDEAST was such a good experience and I intend to go back and continue the few levels left. We split my friends maybe, but we still connected by good memories. We won't forget having fun and making hot discussions and laughing on everything. It is not a bad thing when you make new friends everywhere you go, and definitely it doesn't mean to forget them if you don't see them. This is life, and I like it as it is.

best wishes ;)

keep the hard work

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A lot of questions but only one answer

There is a question that I always hear. Are men and women equal? As Muslims we know the answer to this question which is yes they are equal and we keep repeating that all the time but still there are a lot of differences between men and women in our communities and still it is a controversial issue.
All the other issues (like the women having jobs) come from this issue (the equality between men and women). In the last class there was a very hot discussion about the women having jobs, is it ok or not, is it necessary or not. In fact I was asking my self why all these questions are put when it comes to the women having jobs? Why aren’t these questions raised about men? What is so different about having women a job? And these questions have led me into one big question: why do we need to have jobs?????

I know the answer that jumps to anyone’s mind after hearing this question: of course we work to get money so we can afford living and buying the simple needs in life. But I hear another answer from women more often which is: we need to have jobs for selfsame fulfillment that means to realize our goals and dreams in life, like it is the main purpose of their getting a job. What about money? I know that most men have jobs to afford better life. I am with the equality between men and women but I think it is not a good argument when you justify the necessity of having jobs by saying it is to realize my goals, because you can realize your goals in many ways, I have seen people who realized their goals by making great services to their communities, I have seen people who realized their goals by learning and discovering and inventing things that served the humanity after they died. What I want to say that we can sit down and argue about women’s right to work or we can do our best to achieve and serve our country. “Work” doesn’t mean to get a full time job, it means to try to change something in the community or even in the world, and this is exactly how someone can fulfill and attain his/her goals and dreams in life. I know that a lot of women can’t get a job because of the traditions but I also know that women, whether they get a job or not, have the right to “WORK”, as humans we all share this right. At least this is my opinion.

Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark place where it leads.

Erica Jong

Sunday, September 16, 2007

5 ≠ 5

Today taking a bus from Shykh to Khormakser or Krater costs 35 YR instead of 30. It was 25 YR in the past, then it became 30 and finally 35 and who knows how much it will cost in the future. I heard one of the bus drivers saying “why you are so upset people? It is only five ryals more”. When I heard that I asked my self is it really only five ryals more? And then I made some calculations.
In the past it cost me 90 YR everyday to go anywhere.
- I take a car from my home to the bus station --> 15 YR.
- I take the bus to Khormakser or anywhere --> 25 YR.

And the same to get home, so the total is: 40 YR + 40 YR = 80 YR a day.
That means 80 * 30 = 2400 YR a month.
That means 2400 * 12 = 28800 YR a year.

- I take a car from my home to the bus station --> 25 YR.
- I take the bus to Khormakser or anywhere --> 35 YR.

And the same to get home, so the total is: 60 YR + 60 YR = 120 YR a day.
That means 120 * 30 = 3600 YR a month.
That means 3600 * 12 = 43200 YR a year.

This means 14400 YR more every year.

So when I compared 28800 to 43200 I found that it is not only five ryals more, because these five ryals are very effective on the long term.
But let us be realistic it is not only the cost of transportations which was rised in the last five years. I think if we made such calculations for other materials’ cost in Yemen during the last five years we will be shocked of the result. Let us hope things get better.

Friday, August 31, 2007

It's a great day for a journey

Today was marvelous. I went with my friends to the beach of Kod Al Namer in the early morning. The weather was nice and it rained a little. We went to Al Ghadir beach first and took some pictures there, and then we went to swim in Kod Al Namer beach. The water was very cold, and it was a little windy but that didn't stop us.

After two hours of swimming and playing we went to Banafe'a Sooq to eat something. We were starving after two hours of swimming and playing soccer.

I had a lot of fun we all did. We have many beautiful places here in Aden. We need just to go out and enjoy.
This journey is like a tradition for me and my friends. We do it at least twice a year because we rarely find time to hangout together.
So this journey brings us together every year and that’s great.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

One day I will be there

When I was a child I always dreamed of traveling around the world and seeing how big it was.
Traveling is a very unique enjoyment for those who spent their lives without leaving their countries, and for those who did it is an enriching experiment.
I can't imagine how can someone spend his/her life without seeing what's out there. It is a very big world. But lets be realistic not all the people can leave their countries to see the world, sometimes because of the money, and sometimes because of their commitment to things like family and work.

Things are more complicated now. In the past people used to take all their needs and take a camel and travel simply to another country. Now you have to consider things like money, passport and residence.

I keep thinking of world with no boundaries. Is it possible?
One of my dreams is to go to Paris and to attend a soccer match in London and to see the Great Wall of China. One day I will do it Inshaallah, but before that I need to focus on my short-term goals.

Life is more than a few entertaining moments

Some people live their lives simply without thinking of tomorrow. Maybe it is good to live the moment without concerning about the future but how can someone live his/her whole life without a clear vision and with no planning of what is coming next.
Even babies make plans in order to get what they want.

I think it depends on whether we realize the reason of our existence in this life or not.
People who like to have fun all the time and refuse to take any responsibility in life are selfish and may not achieve anything valuable in their lives, because when you think of life seriously you find a lot of things that deserve your time more than having fun.
I am not saying people shouldn't enjoy their lives but they also should consider making a change in this life before they die.

I like to read about great people who made a change in this life like Ghandi and Nelson Mandila, and I like the idea that these people have suffered in their lives but continued their fighting to achieve their goals. I like to be one of them.

We always convince ourselves that we do our best but I am sure that we can do better and it is not important how big are the sacrifices we make as long as we leave our names engraved in history.

for more info on how to make the best of life see:

Sunday, August 26, 2007